Our Crew around the world
Meet those that bring the PIRATE spirit to their communities
Meet the PIRATE Ambassadors
PIRATE Summit thrives on a global community of open-minded & passionate people.
For many regions around the globe, trust-worthy PIRATEs spread the word in their local communities & stand for our core PIRATE values: Everyone is a VIP, No BS, #GiveGiveGiveAsk, and ARRR.
Join a CREW to come to PIRATE Summit
Many of the Ambassadors will lead a Crew for their region. A Crew is a group of people jointly coming to PIRATE Summit. It’s fun, great for networking prior to the event, and a memorable overall experience in itself.
Reach out to either an Ambassador you know or one who represents your country: They can answer your questions about PIRATE Summit, invite you to join a Crew and have access to a small amount of discounted tickets!

Natalie Novick
Head of Marketing PIRATEx

Regina Overchyk
Incubation Program Manager at Next Big Thing AG

Ben Sufiani
Founder Pirate Skills

Borys Musielak
Founding Partner SMOK Ventures

Kamen Bankovski
Investor Vitosha VC

Lasse Chor
Founder of Iinlist.com & Head of Investments, Startup Aarhus

Fahima Farrahi
Co-Founder and CEO WiseShot

Miloš Odalović
Co-Founder at Codeus doo
Albert Munné
CEO Memima Baby
Mary Nemciuc
CEO Technovator
Vandita Kedia Purohit
Founder Mauji Time cafe & Spaces | Kalapentry Design Studio
Ana Wolsztajn
VC Investor and CMO KAYA
Uldis Leiterts
Head Of Design Doorstead
Stoyan Nedin
Investor Vitosha VC
Graz Kaminskas
Marko Lavrencic
Editor-in-chief BusinessObserver24.com
Daniel Kilger
Founder and CEO Smokeless, Chairman Startup SAFARI Munich
Lukas Gräf
Growth & Expansion Camper Active
Nick Stevens
Co-Founder The Big Building
Anastasia Sylenok
Co-founder: Digitizing.Space
Mendim Avdyli
Managing Director Comitas Ventures
Péter Kovács
Founding Partner and Senior Consultant xo.company
Sander Gansen
Co-Founder WOF Labs
Ieva Felman
Founder and CEO Insiders Network
Aiste Lehmann
Founder re:event and CEO TIDEA
Stavros Messinis
Co-Founder The Cube Athens
Igor Ovcharenko
Founder and CEO Scal8R
Gabriele Ianiro
Ph.D. Student University of Molise
Faola Hodaj
Director of Innovation Municipality of Tirana
Alema Pelesic
Project Manager Rezolut
Zivile Einikyte
Founder Antler
Tomas Lekavičius
Leadership Consultant OVC Consulting
Nicolas Brien
Chairman EuraTechnologies
Randolf Jorberg
Nina Nikolikj
Co-Founder Startup Macedonia
Engjell Rraklli
Co-Founder and CEO division5
Stina Liland
COO Bitrefill
Ondřej Svoboda
Co-Founder Start in France
Leon Pals
Chairman Startup Foundation
Do you want to become ambassador for your region?
Is your country or region not represented by any of the Ambassadors above? Do you want to represent PIRATE Summit in your region? Just reach out to us (participate@piratesummit.com) and we’ll gladly jump on a call with you.
Please note: Every Ambassador should have been to PIRATE Summit before and should stand for our core PIRATE values.