We invite you to a playground – a pirate ship!
Let’s sail into a deep ocean, overcoming fear, turning curiosity into action to make an impact.
We welcome: the bold, the crazy and those comfortable with uncertainty. Anyone who joins will be rewarded with the map to the treasure and everlasting friendships.
How to build a ship:
1. Every ship needs a captain.
2. The captain is the one responsible for the ship, and on this ship everyone’s a captain.
3. All crew members matter, especially humans.
4. All assholes walk the plank.
5. Pirates are not only responsible for their ship, but also the seas they sail.
6. Be who you ARRR, not who others want you to be.
7. The word of a pirate is an unbreakable contract.
8. To discover new lands, one should sail uncharted waters.
9. If your ship ever sinks, learn and build a new one.
10. The treasure is only real when shared.
11. Be the legend your parrot knows you are.
12. Work like a captain, party like a pirate.
But above all, remember:
It’s not that important which ship you build, it’s how you build it.
The text above was created by a group of participants at the last PIRATE Summit on June 27-28, 2023. It’s an attempt to put into words the PIRATE Summit culture that has emerged over the years. The points are not commandments but are meant as an invitation and a starting point for all entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial minds to explore.
Take what resonates and make this your own. Also, we are very open to ideas on how to improve the manifesto.