At the beginning of the year we wrote down some guidelines for this year’s PIRATE Summit content. ✍️
We want to present fresh and diverging perspectives and offer a variety of experiences. All in a setting that resembles more a “safe space” and gives the opportunity for deep interaction and connection. However, that does not mean it can’t be fun. 😁
The experiences should speak to all senses: touch, vision, taste, smell, and sound.
We aim for:
Less to the mind, more to the heart.
Less shallowness, more depth.
Less structure, more exploration.
Less control, more flow.
Less selling, more authenticity.
That’s the direction we want to go.
We will publish the agenda for PIRATE Summit soon. If you want to experience in real life what we came up with, then join us at PIRATE Summit on September 6-7 in Cologne, Germany.
#PS22 #PIRATEsummit #RaiseYourself